Project information
Development and construction of a 525 kWe biogas plant
The client company needs to eliminate the burden of having to spread all the slurry produced by its 3 farms on its land. With this in mind, a 525 kWe biogas plant powered by pig slurry is being built.
The digestate coming out of the anaerobic treatment is sent to a purification section so that it can be discharged into the watercourse in compliance with the values established by law.
Other features
- Electricity, thermal energy and chilled water trigeneration process via a heat absorber.
Input matrices
- Pig slurry
- Corn silage
Technical description
1 Pre-tank
waste collection
1 Loading hopper
40 m3 solid fraction
2 Fermenters
32m in diameter and 7m high
1 Nitro-denitro
1 Membrane system
reverse osmosis
Plant power
525 kWe